Inglés Menores

  • Impartido por: AFALVI
  • Nivel: FIRST for schools I
  • Ubicación: San Pablo
Disponibilidad (Seleccionar horario)
A.- Lunes, miércoles y jueves de 16 a 17 h. 13/1318a
B.- Lunes y miércoles 18 a 19.30 h. 6/1221
C.- Martes y jueves de 18 a 19.30 h. 10/1221
D.- Martes y jueves de 19.30 a 21 h. 11/1221

First Certificate: your gateway to success

Una clase dinámica en la que nos vamos preparando para el examen oficial de Cambridge First for Schools, revisando conceptos relevantes de gramática y vocabulario y perfeccionando pronunciación y expresión oral. Utilizamos todas las habilidades lingüísticas y una variedad de actividades para cumplir nuestros objetivos.



FC for Schools is an English language qualification designed for students between the ages 12 and 19.

Students should have a solid understanding of English in which they should prove to have passed B1 exam approximately corresponding to a B2 level on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ( CEFR )


First CertificateFirst Certificate for Schools assesses the ability to communicate effectively in English in everyday situations. The exam covers reading, writing, listening and speaking skills and is recognized by universities, employers and governments around the world as proof of English proficiency at a B2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ( CEFR


Grammar: Present simple- present continuous- present perfect- past simple- past continuous- all types of future- all types of conditionals- relative clauses- modal verbs- reported speech- passive ( including causative form )- purpose, result and contrast- linking words and text organizers- verbs followed by gerund or infinitive- verbs and adjectives + prepositions.

Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs, collocations, word formations, funcional vocabulary that covers a wide range of topics.
Speaking: Development of general oral expression in English as well as preparation for speaking tasks required by the FC for Schools exam (interview questions, express oneself in a monologue, maintain a conversation, debate relevant topics, etc.)
Writing: Plan and execute various different types of writing (e-mail, essay, article, review and story ).
Listening: General listening comprehension in a classroom setting as well as in preparation for listening tasks at the First Certificate for Schools level.